Culhwch and Olwen by Catherine Fisher

This is a tale found amongst medieval manuscripts from the 14th century. It tells of an Arthurian tale of a young man, Culhwch who falls in love with the giant’s daughter, Olwen. He wishes to marry her but her father makes incredible and impossible demands before this can happen.

Gathering courage and men, Culhwch begins to find the items on the giants list. Nothing is easy to find, it often involves battles and magic but there is a sense of awe in just how far one man will go to marry the love of his life.

This short story has poetry, morals and offers a glimpse into life of the Arthurian court. Welsh myths and legends are becoming such widely known and enjoyed stories. This format is perfect for readers who want to delve into myths and legends,

I thoroughly enjoyed my step back in time to enjoy this love story.

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