Forest of Forbidden Magic by Eve Wersocki Morris

I love Eve’s writing with her sense of fairytale, dark and wild woven throughout. In this tale, we are immediately immersed in a mystery as Tig and his sister, Elsa are sent silver charms from their distant grandfather. One is a wolf and the other a fairy. Tig immediately feels a rush of wildness and heightened senses when he touches the wolf.

When a letter arrives two days later sharing the news of their grandfather’s death, the family pack up and head to Grimmhart, where he lived.

This place is set in a time lost to our advanced technology. They live simple lives and have little knowledge of anything outside their homes. Tig and Elsa aren’t welcomed either open arms but glared at with hostility.

By meeting Janek and Ania, children from Grimmhart, some truths and secrets are shared which lead this foursome into the forbidden forest on a hunt for the grandfather rumoured to still be alive.

Fairytales come to life as they encounter creatures only found in stories and must deal with both the good and evil parts of fairytales. Will they find their grandfather and repair the damage between the humans and creatures of the forest?

An intense thrilling adventure is found in the pages of this book. Its quick pace will have you unwilling to take a breath or put the book down. I adored it as I have Eve’s previous books. I hope the launch party is filled with chocolate as my mouth was watering reading Janek’s descriptions of chocolate!

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