
A brilliant weekly meme hosted by BookCraic as a celebration of all MG books!

How to Join In…

  • Post a picture of a book you have read recently and want to recommend. Include author, illustrator and publisher information
  • Turn to page 11 and share your favourite sentence
  • Choose three words to describe the book
  • Share your recommendation or link to your review

The Abbey Mystery by Julia Golding

Written by Julia Golding, Published by Lion Hudson

Favourite Sentence from Page 11– “Because if they see you, they will ask how your broke your arm, and then I will have to admit that I have two daughters with less sense than a gnat- between them”.

Three Words to Describe The Abbey Mystery: Mystery, Inspired, Exciting

My Recommendation:

Jane Austen at 13 is plain, unremarkable looking and perfect for blending in to the background as a companion to Lady Cromwell. However, her mind and imagination could not be more opposite. Always thinking, observing and writing cryptic letters to her family, there is little missed by Jane.

Finding herself ensconced as a companion to Lady Cromwell in place of older sister Cassandra, Jane has arrived in the midst of a ghost story come to life and a series of spooky events leads her headlong into danger.

Luckily she always has an idea or plan to save the moment.

Jane is an endearing character in this mystery, maintaining the same skills and characteristics as the grown up we know and respect. As a young girl she is precocious, feisty and bold.

Not one for having many friends normally, Jane meets Luke and Deepti and the trio fit together the puzzle pieces of the Abbey Mystery. Enjoying the sense of friendship and assistance is new to Jane but she embraces it wholeheartedly.

Well written with plenty of pace and mystery, this will be a great book to share within classrooms and homes. Perfect for any fans of Jane Austen, this offers a fascinating glimpse into what the young girl may have been like.

I have loved reading previous books by Julia Golding and this is no exception. She has a true sense of history, an ability to lift characters off the pages and to develop a plot so intriguing that I can’t put the book down!

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