Guest Post from Alison D. Stegert

As part of the blog tour, I am so excited to share a brilliant guest post from author Alison D. Stegert!

The Long-Haul Writing Journey by Alison D. Stegert

I recently saw a photo taken in a bookstore on the other side of the world. There on a display table sat my beautiful book, waiting to nestle in a young reader’s heart. The surge of joy took my breath away. 

It’s been a long time coming.

From my first word written for young readers to the release of my first middle grade novel, Her Majesty’s League of Remarkable Young Ladies, thirteen long years have passed. 

In that time, I honed my craft; I blogged and tried my hand at freelance writing; I won mentorships and worked with editorswhile writing seven full novels and a couple of picture books.Most useful of all, I found a fabulous group of writer-friends.

I entered approximately twenty competitions, shortlisted in nearly half, and won three. Out of over a hundred queries senton various projects, I received a steady stream of rejections, fewer than ten full requests, and countless DNRs (did not reply). Nevertheless, I kept writing and rewriting and re-re-writing.

I decreed 2020 would be the year of Winifred Weatherby, a character whose story had been ripening for five years. My writing plans included a UK research trip at the end of summer, but, alas, it was not to be… The inability to travel that year forced me to imagine Victorian London. Despite the pandemic, in December 2020, Winnie’s story (then titled The Remarkables) won me a Historical Novel Society Australasia mentorship for further development.

In July 2021, eleven years into my writing dream – and just when I’d begun to fear I’d never achieve my publishing dreams, my literary stars snapped into alignment. I found out The Remarkables had been longlisted in the Times / Chicken House / IET 150 Award. Then it shortlisted. Then it won! 

Two years on, thanks to the team at Chicken House, my book is out in the world and ready to nestle in young readers’ hearts. It’s a dream come true, and I’m so grateful I could burst.

This long-haul writing apprenticeship has taught me a thing or two about what’s important. As uplifting and rewarding as it is to see my beautiful book in a bookstore on the other side of the world, the real treasure of the creative pursuit isn’t foundat the summit of the publishing mountain. It’s in the shady valleys and on the sheer cliff faces where one creative holds out a hand to another creative, shouting encouragement,boosting friends to their milestones, whooping at their success, and celebrating their bookish creations. Without the precious and remarkable comradery in the kidlit community, the pursuit would be meaningless and bleak. I want to thank my writing buddies for making it worthwhile and so much fun.

Her Majesty’s League of Remarkable Young Ladies by Alison D Stegert is out now in paperback (£7.99, Chicken House)

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