Her Majesty’s League of Remarkable Young Ladies Blog Tour

Victorian London, a young inventress and the Paris Exposition are the beginnings of a formidable story.

Winifred Weatherby and her father are inventors, both incredibly intelligent and creative, though Mr Weatherby believes his daughter’s tinkering will ruin her chances of finding a suitable husband. Enrolling her in Beacon Academy for Poised and Polished Young Ladies seems the easiest way to ensure she grows up properly.

When her father goes missing, Winifred vows to find him but instead finds herself recruited to Her Majesty’s League of Remarkable Young Ladies. She is to be their new Quartermaster, an inventress with skills for creating and inventing spying and crafty tools. Almost a dream come true though her missing father and few clues to his whereabouts keep her poised and ready.

From London to the Isle of Wight and into Paris, the League are kept busy protecting their royal patrons.

This was an exceptional story, one I could not stop reading. Ingenuity, determination and an unwavering capacity to do the right thing and be true to herself, Winnie is a new favourite character. At 14 she is a genius, completely loyal and slightly unpolished. I adore her.

Just when you think you figure out the plot, small clues lead you in new directions and you follow along willingly as you don’t want the story to end.

Simply put- this book is Phenomenal!

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