Greenwild The City Beyond the Sea by Pari Thomson

I recently met and listened to a panel featuring Pari Thomson. She was so lovely to listen to and her book, Greenwild had a passion for nature built in to each page. Imaginative, passionate and thoughtful, are words you could use to describe Pari but also both her books.

I recently spent a sunny afternoon mesmerised by the sequel to Greenwild, The City beyond the Sea. Daisy and her Five O’Clock crew are back, plotting and planning. With an expedition set to sail within a few days, Daisy can hardly believe she will finally set about rescuing her mum and the other Botanists who have been kidnapped.

However, the Grim Reapers are growing in strength and numbers, threatening every pocket of Greenwild. A letter signals that the Mallowmarshers should find Iffenwild but many believe this to be a legend only, that is until Daisy discovers it by following a group amidst a battle scene.

They are now sailing and forming part of the crew of the Nautilus, a travelling theatre company. Welcomed into the fold, the crew need to convince Iffenwild to join the fight but it certainly won’t be easy!

I have made no secret that I love a mystery, plot twists and surprises and this book has those in spades. Who is Max? Why has Iffenwild isolated themselves and how are the Grim Reapers finding their way into magical spaces?

I was caught unawares several times while reading and did audible gasps! Perfectly timed to go along with something exciting!

This is a brilliant sequel and I cannot wait for book 3.

It is also worth noting that the illustrations truly highlight how imaginative these stories are! Elisa Paganelli is a brilliant illustrator.

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